30 minutes

All treatments use injectable neuromodulators to improve the appearance of moderate to severe wrinkles and lines in your upper face, and crow’s feet around your eyes. The goal of this treatment is to target muscles that repeatedly contract every time you squint or frown. By relaxing these muscles and temporarily weakening them, neuromodulators have a long-term impact of producing an overall smoothing effect of your skin texture and appearance for up to 2-4 months.

We offer special botox party pricing for hosts and guests! Please contact us for more details!

Party requirements: 5 people minimum including host, 20 unit minimum per guest.



1 hour

Lips, Cheeks, Chin, Jawline, Temporal Fossa, Nasolabial Folds, Marionette Lines

As we age, we loose the subcutaneous fat in the face. This makes it easier to see the creases of deflated skin. Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers bind with water molecules in your skin, thereby softening and plumping these lines and creases with the resulting addition of the lost volume. Results can last for one to two years!


1 hour

The PRP Facial is a painless, minimal-downtime procedure that uses a microneedling pen to deliver platelet rich plasma (PRP) directly into the skin. PRP is a concentrated source of platelets taken from your own body containing growth factors that help stimulate the collagen regeneration process. During treatment, we apply PRP topically onto the face, neck, or chest to promote collagen regeneration, producing a more youthful appearance. It is recommended that PRP Facials be done in a series of 3 for optimal results.

These results will continue for up to 1 year, and include but are not limited to:

Fine line improvement

Improved acne scars & surgical scars

Reduced pore size

Improved skin tone & texture

Brightened complexion

Increased collagen


1 hour

Cheeks, Chin, Jawline, Temporal Fossa, Nasolabial Folds, Marionette Lines, Neck, Skin

Cellenis Derma PRP is an extended-release autologous biologic product for tissue regeneration, offering an immediate volumizing effect while promoting long-lasting dermal health.

The procedure comprises the withdrawal of the patient's own blood and processing it by centrifuge to isolate the platelet rich plasma for use. Part of the plasma is then processed to transform it from a liquid to a gel. The plasma gel is then re-mixed with the platelet rich plasma to form an injectable gel PRP, one that both volumizes and retains the rejuvenating benefits of PRP. The procedure typically takes about an hour and may involve an anesthetic topical cream, injections, according to the treatment parameters and the licensed practitioner’s discretion.


30 minutes

PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) is a more concentrated version of PRP that is injected into the tear trough, under eye area, to help tighten and rejuvenate the very delicate skin underneath the eyes! Over 90 days, your skin will become stronger, and your body will work with your growth factors to diminish dark circles, fine lines, and increase elasticity. This is an extremely safe alternative to under eye fillers and is recommended in a series of 3 treatments over 4 months.

Book with our Southern Grace Signature Facial or PRP Microneedling Facial for half off!


45 minutes

The Southern Grace Signature Hydraneedle Facial, also called the "Red Carpet Facial" or "Aquagold", is used to temporarily improve skin radiance with no downtime. This treatment delivers products such as platelet rich plasma (PRP), dermal fillers, wrinkle relaxers, antioxidants, and our secret skin brightening serum to give you that perfect glow! Patients say that their skin looks like they're wearing a 'Filter' a few days after treatment.

This facial is fully customizable to meet your skin goals and offers the following benefits:

~Stimulates collagen and elastin production

~Improves skin tone and texture

~Smooths fine lines and wrinkles

~Decreases pore size

~Decreases redness

~Decreases acne

~Increases radiance

This service is best if booked 3-5 days before a big event!


30 minutes

VI Peel

VI Purify

VI Advanced

VI Precision Plus

VI Purifying Precision Plus

Chemical peels remove the outermost layers of the skin, removing up to 3 layers of dead skin. This process leads to peeling, followed by skin regeneration, with an end result of rejuvenated, glowing skin.

A peel solution is specifically chosen for your skin type and can correct:


Clogged pores, large pores

Age and brown spots

Rough textured skin

Uneven skin tone

Fine lines and wrinkles (especially under the eyes and around the mouth)



Sun damage

Southern Grace uses the VI Peel system to transform our client’s skin. Although chemical peels have been part of the skincare industry for a long time, the Vi peels are the new generation in chemical peels. They are specifically designed treatments that are formulated to address different skin types and conditions.

The VI Peel is self-neutralizing, providing amazing results with no skin preparation and minimal downtime. It fortifies the skin with vitamins and minerals while going through the exfoliation process. The VI Peel also includes a specifically formulated post peel kit, ensuring optimal and lasting results.

Dermaplaning the skin prior to any peel will allow for deeper application of the peel solution, along with allowing all post care products to penetrate more deeply into the skin. This produces a more dramatic result each time, and allows greater hydration and long-term benefits to the skin.

PDO Afterglo Facial

30 Minutes

This new PDO AfterGlo™ serum improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and dark circles, while improving skin complexion. For this facial, you will have PDO micro channeled into your skin with a stamper. PDO is a hydrating skin booster made of PDO Threads in powder form and Hyaluronic Acid (HA). HA can smooth rough surfaces and provide a protective layer to help skin retain moisture. It also strengthens skin to improve elasticity and resilience. PDO is an ingredient that is certified by the FDA and naturally dissolves and is absorbed by the body in about 6-12 months. As it is dissolves, it aids in the production of collagen. For best results, it is recommended to do 3 of these facials 4 - 6 weeks apart, followed by one every 6 months to keep the results.


1.5 hour

Morpheus8 is a microneedling treatment that stimulates remodeling in the adipose tissue of the dermis. Morpheus8 combines radiofrequency with the microneedling technique. On its own, microneedling provokes a healing response in which collagen proliferation increases. With Morpheus8, collagen increase is only the icing on the cake. By inserting radiofrequency energy to tissue approximately 4mm deep, this device prompts tissue remodeling that includes thickening and tightening. Morpheus8 helps improve the appearance of:

~Excess fat in the face and neck

~Mild sagging and jowling in the face and neck

~Uneven or rough skin texture ~Acne scarring and other scars on the face or body

~Deep lines and creases

~Sun damage

~Enlarged Pores

~Stretch Marks

Book today to see a dramatic improvement in your skin!


1 hour

For patients looking to address facial pigmentation, superficial vessels, skin texture and/or photodamage, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is the optimal solution. IPL treatments improve skin complexion, reduce skin irregularities and help patients look years younger. IPL “photofacial” helps address age spots (red/brown pigmentation), sun damage, vascular lesions (spider veins, port wine stains, leg telangiectasias), rosacea (redness) and freckles. The most common areas of treatment are zones that are regularly exposed to the sun. This often includes the face, neck, décolletage, legs, hands and arms.

Before & After